2020 Trip #1

    As I am writing this blog it gives a time of remembering of all that has happened this crazy year of 2020.  I doubt that anyone will soon forget this year and yet it is our human nature to always move on to the future.  After the 2019 West trip we made it home for the holidays and enjoyed with family.  Then January came and Covid-19...  Lock down till who knows when which gave us a lot of time to work projects around the house.  We also received our new camper during this time and was able to complete some mods we wanted in anticipation of our next trip when we are allowed to move...  As time went on things began to open up enough we could plan a trip.  We also decided to put our house up for sale while we are on the trip to facilitate keeping the house clean (Kira) and easy access to show house.

   We decided to leave August 1st on a trip west through U,P, Michigan via a quick stop in Cincinnati to partake of a celebration for my Nephews graduation from pharmacy school.

   So we are off.  1st night we stopped in West Virginia at a casino/dog track.  We tried a county park 1st but it was full with what seemed to be permanent residents.  It was interesting watching the dog races and after about 10pm all was peaceful.

    The next day our house hit the market and we received two full price offers the 1st day.  On our way to Cincinnati we got the call and accepted an offer for over asking price.  After living in this house for 30 years it was a very strange feeling realizing we may not have a home base to come back too.  We continued the trip knowing that the inspections and closings would take another month or more to complete.

    After a couple of days seeing family and camping at Miami Whitewater county park we headed to Michigan.  I have to say Michigan was a surprise.  We headed to the Holland area and found a nice campground on Lake Michigan at Ludington State Park.  This is a beautiful area with a great small town feel.  If it wasn't for the brutal winters I could live there.

   Next stop U.P Michigan.

Until Next time,

Tom, Pat and Kira



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